Challenge your to a “Whole” new way of eating. You won’t be deprived because you’ll be able to eat moderate portions of meat, seafood, eggs, vegetables and some fruits! The idea is to whole and unprocessed the way nature intended! Imagine being able to pronounce all the food you eat – well that is the Whole 30 Program!
The best part is you don’t have to weigh, measure or count your calories!It doesn’t even have to be all organic!
Reported Benefits:
- Improving energy and sleep
- Addressing digestive issues (gas, bloating, pain, constipation, or diarrhea)
- Lose weight without counting calories, or weighing or measuring food
- Additional reported benefits: skin, joint pain/swelling, asthma, migraines, blood pressure, cholesterol, and fasting blood sugar
Try These Challenges:
Challenge: Jump start your weight loss goals and settle into some new habits. Even losing a few ...
Challenge: Food to often fills a hole and we eat for emotional reasons in hopes of relieving stre...
Challenge: After a long day of work there is nothing better than coming home to a home cooked mea...
Challenge: Stop burning glucose and start burning fat for energy by putting your body into ketosi...