
30 day challenge

Financial Wellness

Challenge: How well do you know your finances? Are you in a good position if you experienced a job loss or expensive medical issue? Well it’s time to assess your financial wellness. Go through these 30 steps ( a step… Continue Reading →

Declutter Diet

Challenge: Ahhh…the struggle to find something that you swear you knew where it was! Who among us has riffled through drawers, cabinets and rooms looking for something? Now is the time to declutter and organize. A little organization every day… Continue Reading →

Flat Abs Straight Ahead

Challenge: Cardio alone won’t shape your abs, you have to be ready to work those muscles! This 30 day challenge will get you moving in the right direction and on your way to more sculpted abs and a strengthened core…. Continue Reading →

1 month = 4 weeks = 30 days

Sticky post

Challenge yourself for 30 days! Be healthier, learn new skills, change up your routine. Push through your fears and try something new. Now is the time to do something different and when you are done, do it all again!

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