
Personal Growth

Unslump Yourself

Challenge: If you find yourself in a rut and are looking for an opportunity to get out then this challenge may be for you! Unslump yourself! 30 days of simple tasks that will put you in a better place. This… Continue Reading →

Define Your Manliness

Challenge: This challenge is for the guys. What is it to be a man? Well these next 30 days will help you take you through tasks that hit upon different areas of your life including relationships, health and personal finances. … Continue Reading →

Taking Care of Self

Challenge: We tend to be caretakers and worry about the well being of others. Well this month that changes! It’s not selfish to focus on one’s own self-improvement and personal development. It’s time to become happier and more positive while fostering… Continue Reading →

Be Grateful

Challenge: Stopping to smell the roses isn’t always possible but is necessary if you want learn to live in the present. Gratitude provides the realization that we get more than we deserve and affirms the goodness in the world. An expression… Continue Reading →

1 month = 4 weeks = 30 days

Sticky post

Challenge yourself for 30 days! Be healthier, learn new skills, change up your routine. Push through your fears and try something new. Now is the time to do something different and when you are done, do it all again!

Happy! Happy!

Challenge: C’mon get Happy! There is no negative to seeing the positive. It’s time to grow your happiness and take it to the next level. Sometimes it’s the little things and small changes over time will provide the sticking power… Continue Reading →

Grow Yourself

Challenge: Challenges are a great way to grow yourself but this challenge teaches “how” to grow yourself! Set your goals for the year and create personal growth in your life. Reported Benefits: Learn to plan and set goals Grow your… Continue Reading →

It Starts with Kindness

Challenge: Kindness…It’s what the world needs more of! Gandhi said it best: If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards… Continue Reading →

Be Happy!

Challenge: 30 days to Positivity. We have anywhere from12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day and 80 % of those thoughts are negative?! It’s time to shed that negativity and create an aura of positivity! Negative thoughts do nothing but drain your… Continue Reading →

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